Report Analysis









4.2 Reports & Generate reports

4.2 Reports & Generate reports

QAlify streamlines the testing process by offering robust report generation features, enabling teams to create detailed and customized test reports with ease. These reports consolidate critical testing data, providing insights into test results, coverage, and trends across different projects. With automated report generation, QAlify saves time and ensures consistency in documentation, allowing teams to focus on analysis and decision-making. The ability to generate comprehensive test reports enhances transparency, supports effective communication, and empowers teams to make informed decisions for improving software quality.

4.2.1 Create report:

Click on the “Report" section and “+ report" to make a report test run(s)  You should input all required fields, and optional fields if viable:   - Title: Input the report name   - Report for: You can choose one or multiple test runs to generate the report.   - Description: Add related information to this report.  - Status, Test and test results: if the user clicks on these 2 options, the reports will include the status and results from the chosen test runs.  
Create Report

4.2.2 View details of the report

Once you have generated a report, you can check the details by clicking this report section. And you can check summarized results. 
View report detail