Simplify Test Case Management with QAlify

Intelligently create test case, quick data import, and efficient management of vital test cases to boost QA productivity with a Centralized Test Management Platform

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Efficiently manage all of your Software Test Cases

Experience an hassle-free process of creating and managing test cases with the benefits provided by QAlify
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Centralized Resources

Manage all testing data and effortlessly controlled test cases conditions for a faster and accurate testing process

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Simple (re)organization

Well-organized test resources and make changes by arranging and editing test cases data to suit with your requirements

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Intuitive Interface

Enable swift adaptation to functionalities for a seamless testing process and expedite testing completion

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Direct Traceability

Real-time update test results for each test case for better tracking, improve fail cases and reconducting testing

Manage all Test Cases with a Powerful Test Management Tool

Utilize our top-notch offerings to enhance the initiation of your software test cases

Create Test Folder

Ensure seamless navigation and optimal performance by constructing a systematic tree structure for test cases

  • Define test folder name
  • Add Test Cases
Create Test Cases

Enable a fully customization capabilities of QA testing by provide an advanced rich-text editor to precisely define the functionalities and requirements of each test case

  • Define test cases
  • Set preconditions
  • Describe test case information
  • Define steps
  • Set expected results
Quick Create Test Cases

Quickly create test cases without unnecessary data, reducing the time needed to build the entire suite for testing

  • Define name
  • Set Priority
Import Test Resources

Automate the process of importing testing data from exiting project for an immediate test folders creation

  • CSV
  • XLS
Track Test Results

Stay informed with the latest testing results for each test case through the conducted test runs

  • Status
  • Actual Results
  • Result Attachment
AI-generated Test Data

Offer an advantage of creating test cases for uncertain requirements with suggestions from ChatGPT

  • Define feature name
  • Describe requirements
  • Set expected conditions
Advance your Testing productivity with Integrations

Leverage the benefits of popular integrations to make your testing process faster and more efficient